Game-Changer IO2 In-service Training Programme

Table 3.5: Progression Model of the ‘Develop Ideas’ Thread (Creativity) Learning Outcomes Area: Ideas & Opportunities / Competence: Creativity / Thread: Develop Ideas Foundation Relying on support from others Intermediate Building independence Advanced Taking responsibility Expert Driving transformation innovation and growth Discover Explore Experiment Dare Improve Reinforce Expand Transform I can develop ideas that solve problems that are relevant to me and my surroundings Alone and as part of a team, I can develop ideas that create value for others I can experiment with different techniques to generate alternative solutions to problems, using available resources in an effective way I can test the value of my solutions with end users I can describe different techniques to test innovative ideas with end users I can set up processes to involve stakeholders in finding, developing and testing ideas I can tailor a variety of ways of involving stakeholders to suit the needs of my value- creating activity I can design new processes to involve stakeholders in generating, developing and testing ideas that create value For more information regarding the EU EntreComp Framework please use the following links for further reading: EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework Policy Report European Commission EntreComp Website EntreComp into Action: A User Guide This video also provides a brief overview of the EntreComp Framework:!BB93vN (2 minutes) EntreComp is a comprehensive and flexible framework that is designed to build an understanding of what is meant by entrepreneurship as a competence and to support our ability to identify the abilities that make someone entrepreneurial. It intends to support and inspire actions to develop the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens, to help increase the abilities of individuals to actively participate in society, to support career development and to encourage value-creating initiatives. It is important to understand that entrepreneurship plays a significant role in many aspects of the lives of individual citizens and in many areas of a prosperous society. We will now move onto the other key underpinning theories behind the Game-Changer project, the gamification of learning and challenge-based learning.