Game-Changer IO2 In-service Training Programme
What is Challenge-based Learning? Challenge-based learning is a mechanism for adding gamified elements to learning resources. It focuses on integrating challenges into learning environments and provides an effective way of engaging with learners while supporting them to improve their ability to solve real-world problems. Challenge-based learning as a learning framework, was first developed and initiated at Apple Inc. in 2008 as part of their ‘Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow – Today’ project (Apple Inc., 2008). The framework is now used in educational, business and project settings around the world. If used correctly the strategy can empower learners to address a diverse range of challenges while acquiring content knowledge and competences that will support their personal and professional development. The 3 Key Phases of Challenge-based Learning The challenge-based learning framework divides into three interconnected phases that encompass the entire process: Engage , Investigate , and Act . Each phase includes activities that prepare the learner to progress to the next phase. Supporting the entire cycle is an ongoing process of documenting, reflecting and sharing. (Challenge-based, 2018). Diagram 4.5: Challenge-based Learning Framework
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