Game-Changer IO2 In-service Training Programme
Diagram 4.5 provides an overview of the challenge-based learning framework. Let us now look at this framework in more detail by reviewing the 3 phases of challenge-based learning. Phase 1: Engage During the Engage Phase, learners should move from an abstract idea to a tangible and actionable challenge via the essential questioning process. The aim is for the learner to connect with educational content through the identification, development and ownership of a compelling challenge. Big Ideas – this is a broad theme or concept that could be explored in multiple ways and is important to you or the wider society. Big ideas could include climate change, community, health, sustainability and political engagement. Essential Questions – the big idea should allow for the generation of a wide range of essential questions that reflect the respective interests of individuals or society as a whole. Essential questioning allows the learner to contextualise and personalise the big idea. The end product is a single essential question that is relevant to the individual or group. Challenges – the challenge turns the essential question into a call to action to gain a deeper understanding of the subject at hand. The challenge should be immediate, actionable and build excitement in the learner. The Engage Phase should conclude with the learner identifying a compelling and actionable challenge statement. Phase 2: Investigate The Investigate Phase builds on the challenge developed in the previous phase. This phase tasks learners with contextualised learning experiences and concept-based research to create a foundation for actionable and realistic solutions. Learners should plan and participate in a journey that builds a foundation of knowledge that leads to solutions to real-world problems. Guiding Questions – learners should generate questions related to the challenges identified in the previous phase. These questions should include everything that is required to be understood to develop an informed solution. Categorising and prioritising the questions creates an organised learning experience while further guiding questions will continue to emerge throughout the experience. Guiding Activities/Resources – these include any resource or activity that assists the learner to answer the guiding questions and progress toward the solution. These activities and resources include any and all methods and tools available to the learner.
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