Game-Changer IO2 In-service Training Programme

 Synthesis – once the guiding questions have been addressed as a result of investigating the guiding activities/resources, learners should analyse the process and identify the key findings. This should be an analysis of the lessons learned through the guiding activities and provide a foundation for the eventual identification of solutions. The Investigate Phase should conclude with evidence that demonstrates that the learner has successfully addressed all of the guiding questions and developed clear conclusions that will form the basis of their solution to the real-world problem. Phase 3: Act The Act Phase requires evidence-based solutions to be developed and implemented in an authentic scenario and real-world setting. The learners should demonstrate a desire to make a positive difference combined with an understanding of the core subject matter.  Solution Concepts – as a result of completing the investigation phase, learners should have a solid foundation to begin developing potential solution concepts. They emerge from the findings made during the investigation phase and lead the learner to develop, test and refine their solution concepts. This process is also likely to raise new guiding questions that require further research and return the learner to the investigate phase.  Implementation – implementation of the solution takes place within a real-world setting with an authentic audience. The ability level of the learners and the amount of time and resources available will guide the depth and breadth of the implementation.  Evaluation – this provides the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the solution, measure outcomes, reflect on successes/failures and deepen subject knowledge. The Act Phase concludes once the implementation is complete and learners can continue to refine their solutions or develop a plan to enhance their ideas for future challenges. As we can see, challenge-based learning provides a detailed strategy for encouraging learners to actively participate in the learning process. When used effectively as a methodology for the gamification of learning, it can provide endless possibilities for experiential educational opportunities. The challenge-based learning approach has a variety of fundamental ideas and strengths that make it especially effective in modern day learning environments. These elements are outlined below.