Game-Changer IO2 In-service Training Programme
Educator/Learner Dynamic – redefining the traditional educator/learner dynamic can be a powerful process in which all parties develop a variety of new abilities. Unlimited Learning Environments – embedding the challenges in real-world settings encourages the learner to think outside of the box and relate their learning to pressing real-world issues. Learner Inspired, Directed and Owned – meaningful connections are made between learning content and the lives of learners. The more passionate learners are about the content, the deeper the learning, the more control they have over the process and the higher the level of ownership. Thought Provoking Challenges – the situations and activities create a sense of urgency and prompt action. Effective challenges will engage the learner in different ways of thinking and seeing the world around them. Content and 21 st Century Skills – authentic learning experiences develop deeper content knowledge and allow learners to organically develop a wide range of 21 st century skills. Boundaries of Adventure – boundaries are provided to provide structure and to guide the learner while allowing the freedom to explore the subject matter. At the beginning, the limits will be narrowed, but the goal is always to move towards more autonomy, freedom and responsibility for the learner. Space and Freedom to Fail – provide a safe space for learners to think creativity, experiment with ideas, fail, receive feedback, learn from the failure and try again. This process is built in to all phases of challenge-based learning. Opportunities for Critical and Creative Thinking – requires and encourages in-depth participation along with opportunities for deep, critical and creative thought processes. Authentic Use of Technology – technology is used to research, communicate, organise, create and present information. The use of technology allows learners to own and transform the learning experience to meet their own needs. Focus on Process and Product – the process of getting to the solution is valued as much as the solution itself. Throughout the challenge-based learning experience there are opportunities to evaluate and assess both process and products. Documentation and Storytelling – during each step of the challenge process, the learners reflect upon and document their learning journey. This evidence is useful for ongoing reflection, informative assessment, portfolios and telling the story of their experience of the challenge. Reflection – throughout the process, learners continuously reflect on the content and the process of the challenge. Much of the deepest learning takes place by considering the process, thinking about one's learning, and analysing ongoing relationships between the content, concepts and practical applications.
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