Game-Changer IO2 In-service Training Programme
It is vital to constantly refer back to your desired learning outcomes as you develop the process. The process includes all of the main learning elements of the WebQuest and is your opportunity to incorporate as many different educational mechanisms as you deem necessary. Step 5: Build the mechanism for evaluation and conclusion After you have developed the introduction, task and process sections of your WebQuest you need to consider how you are going to incorporate an evaluation mechanism and then conclude the whole challenge. These final sections are vital elements for the learner to analyse the challenge itself, review their performance and reflect on their learning journey. Your evaluation mechanism – when developing an evaluation method for your WebQuest it is vital you refer back to the desired learning outcomes. The aim is for the evaluation to serve as an opportunity for the learner to analyse, assess and reflect on what they have done or achieved. This can be accomplished via a brief quiz, evaluation rubric or a debriefing discussion if the challenge has been conducted as a group. The Game-Changer WebQuests provide the learner with the desired learning outcomes of each challenge along with a self-assessment exercise as part of the evaluation section. These exercises are in the form of online surveys or reflective activities. The aim is to prompt the learner to reflect on the skills, attitudes and knowledge they have developed as a result of the WebQuest. Your conclusion – the final section of your WebQuest will be a brief conclusion that serves to summarise the entire challenge and encourage further reflection for the learner. Your conclusion needs to provide a concise overview of the whole process and reinforce the important learning experiences contained within the WebQuest. Your conclusion can be a simple section of text that provides the learner with the necessary take-away message and encouragement to continue their learning journey beyond the WebQuest itself. The Game-Changer WebQuests conclude with a paragraph of text that congratulates the learner and highlights the positive things that they can take away from the challenge. This is accompanied by an inspirational quote and image to motivate the learner to continue their quest for self-improvement. Hopefully this module has helped you to develop some ideas for potential WebQuests challenges. Let us now take those ideas and put them into a WebQuest structure template.
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