Game-Changer IO2 In-service Training Programme
Activity 2: Personal SWOT Analysis This activity is aimed at helping you to identify your professional capabilities and limitations through the process of self-evaluation. This process requires you to complete an in-depth personal/professional SWOT analysis or competency audit. A SWOT analysis is a technique used to determine and define your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It is a valuable self-reflective process that, if done completely objectively, can help you understand your own professional competences and the areas in which you need to improve. Take some time to evaluate your professional capabilities and complete table 8.2 below. After completing the table review your answers and use this to guide your CPD strategy going forward. Ensure that you value the strengths you identified and build on them. Use the weaknesses you have identified as motivation to improve and to challenge yourself to address them. Use the opportunities you have identified to assist in the process of self-development and develop a plan to overcome any threats that you identified that may stop you from achieving you professional goals.
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