Game-Changer IO2 In-service Training Programme

Activity 4: The 5 W’s – Who, What, Where, When & Why? This is an activity to raise awareness of how to identify product usefulness and value. It encourages participants to consider how to target a product or service to the correct customer base. Participants work in pairs and are shown a selection of random products that the trainer has prepared before the session (these can be pictures or actual objects). Once the participants are aware of the products, they will have to answer 5 questions in relation to each product. Table 8.6: The 5 W’s Activity Plan Activity Step Resources Required Time Assigned Expected Outcome 1. Separate the group into pairs None 2 minutes Several sets of pairs 2. The session leader should show all of the groups a random product (i.e. tape measure, bottle opener, iPad, eraser, lunch box etc.) This can either be an actual physical item or a picture Either pictures of/or a selection of actual random products that can be easily sourced in everyday life. The time dedicated to steps 2 & 3 depends on the number of pictures or products presented Varies The session lead will have a selection of pictures or actual products to show to the pairs, the number depends on the session leader and the amount of time they have available to complete the activity 3. After the session leader has shown each individual picture/product, all of the pairs must write down answers to the following questions in relation to the product A pen and some paper for each pair Questions to be posed: A. Who is the product aimed at? B. What is the product used for? C. Where would the product be best utilised? D. When would the product be most useful? E. Why is this product superior or more useful than other similar products? Varies Each pair will have to answers the 5 questions for each picture/product that the session leader has shown to them Each pair will have 5 answers to the 5 questions for each of the products they have been shown 4. Now as an entire group, each pair presents their answers to the questions for each product and explains their thought process behind each answer. Encourage the wider group to ask further questions of the presenting group None Varies All pairs will have presented their answers to the wider group and further discussions regarding the products will be facilitated