The Game-Changer project officially ended on August 31st 2021 as the Erasmus+ funding period came to an end. As a result of the hard work and dedication of the project consortium Game-changer has been an overwhelming success.
Game-Changer kicked-off back in September 2019 by a consortium from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Cyprus, Germany, and Poland aiming to promote entrepreneurship education among young people in Europe. For this purpose, the project developed a compendium of 30 WebQuests and an In-service training programme for youth workers. The project resources are available via the project website and have been embedded into the youth service provision of a variety of stakeholders in each partner country.
The team held a final virtual meeting on September 1st to officially close the project and celebrate our successes. Rest assured we will all continue to champion Game-Changer and support the implementation of resources to as wide an audience as possible well beyond the project lifecycle.
The project team would like to thank all of those who have been involved and supported the project aims and objectives over the last two years.